Research InfrastructurePhoto: UHH/MentzBabylabBabylabWe investigate the neural processes that underlie the exciting development of babies and small children in the first months and years of life.TeamLabWith the help of systematic behavioral observation, we uncover recurring interaction patterns and team dynamics.Photo: Annika MeineckeTeamlabPhoto: Jakob NeundorferBiomechanical LabBiomechanical LabComplex movement analyzes (kinemetry, dynamometry and electromyography) are carried out in the biomechanics laboratory.Photo: BPNBPNBiological Psychology and NeuropsychologyWe study functional principles and underlying neural mechanisms of multisensory functions and age-dependent plasticity of the brain, using a range of laboratory methods.Photo: UHH/MentzKokuKOKUWe are interested in the origins of social thinking and behavior and how it develops in infants and toddlers.Photo: Jakob NeundorferStrength Diagnostics LabStrength Diagnostics LabThe strength laboratory has an isoketic measuring system for the standardized collection of strength parameters.Photo: UHH/MentzPsychotherapy Outpatient ClinicPsychotherapy Outpatient ClinicWe examine various psychotherapeutic procedures.Photo: Michael RullmannSIL- Social Interaction LabSILIn our Social Interaction Lab, we study the social dynamics of dyads and groups using video and audio recordings.Photo: Schumacher/UHHSports and Exercise MedicineSports and Exercise MedicineExercise therapy, performance diagnostics, injury prevention, proprioception research, spinal function diagnostics and analysis of perception/cognition in sportsPhoto: Degner/UHHVirtual Reality LabVirtual Reality LabSocial psychology studies are carried out to examine subtle behavioral parameters in connection with basic attitudes.